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Sam Smith talks body image, sexuality, and why he might be writing some “happy love songs” soon

Ruven AfanadorThe New Year means resolutions like losing weight and getting in shape.  We don’t know if Sam Smith made a resolution, but we do know he isn’t nearly as uptight about his weight and appearance as he once was.

“When I was shooting my first music videos, I just wasn’t happy with the way I looked, so I was trying to control the way the camera moved,” Sam tells Sarah Jessica Parker in the latest issue of V Magazine.  “I got a bit obsessive. I was constantly looking in the mirror, pinching my waist, weighing myself every day.”

He adds that while body image will always be an issue for him he has “gotten to a place where I really love my stretch marks and I just enjoy my body.”

Sam also discusses his sexuality, saying that in the past few years he “became a gay man properly.” He references his current relationship with 13 Reasons Why star Brandon Flynn.

“On a personal level, I’m in a relationship right now and for the first time, I think I deserve to be happy,” he says. “I’m actually asking myself if I’m going to be writing some happy love songs soon.”

As for what 2018 holds, Sam says, “I hope I fall into a deep, beautiful relationship where I allow someone to love me back as much as I love them. I hope my family and friends get happier and stay healthy. I want to fall in love with music more — I’ll never, ever stop learning about and studying my voice.”

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